FEEM Fall School “Souths of the World” | Second Edition
The FEEM Fall School “Souths of the World” presents its Second Edition (online), which this year will focus on “Collective Action in the Cities of the World”.
In the cities of today, a new “collective action” is taking place. From Hong Kong, where an entire community is challenged by the Chinese authoritarian regime, to Santiago de Chile, whose government is unable to respond to social and democratic protests, conflict is the key word; powers are challenged; reforms are demanded. In Western cities like Barcelona, Paris and London, conflicts of social groups, protests against the national governments and demand for identity/autonomy have grown. In North America, racial conflict is exploding in cities, from Minneapolis to New York and elsewhere. In India, conflicts over the ethnic and religious minorities’ rights are ongoing against the backdrop of new Hindu nationalism. In Africa, conflicts over ethnicity, religion, land, poverty and migration are widespread.
Among the dilemmas, sustainable development is the key. It is based on parameters-like the United Nations SDGs, which fail to address the existing difference between the North and the Souths, the dominant and the excluded, and the need for a new synthesis.
Collective action requires political, social and environmental justice reform; it originates from distribution conflicts, identity and values frictions, and involves different populations, social and ethnic groups, religious minorities etc.
These issues will be addressed during 4 days of the School by more than 30 experts, University Professors and PhD students from all over the world and from the global South in particular.
For more information and detailed programme, please see our website: www.southsoftheworld.com