FEEM Autumn School on Spatial Analysis and Policy Evaluation | 2° Edition
streaming on GoToWebinar
Department of Industrial and Information Engineering and Economics
Department of Economics and Law
Guest Seminar
Economics Department
The ideal candidates for the Training School are PhD students interested in the analysis of spatial data with particular reference to policy evaluation.
The course is open to a maximum of 30 participants.
Applications should include a CV and a short motivational letter that specifies the ways participating in the school will be useful for their current and perspective research (max 300 words).
Candidates should apply by sending an email with the required documents to Massimiliano Rizzati ([email protected]) by Tuesday 31 August, 2021. Upon acceptance, applicants will receive a notification by the end of September.
Applications are extended to the 20th of September.
The increased availability of spatial (or geo-referenced) data made spatial statistics and spatial econometrics a very active and growing area of research. These techniques allow accounting for effects such as spatial spillovers and spatial heterogeneity. Recently, they brought several applications across different fields, such as epidemiology, economics, and other social sciences. Building on the successful first edition, the course focuses on the methods of spatial statistics and econometrics. Moreover, it provides an overview of the recent attempts to account for spatial effects in policy evaluation analysis, and on recent developments on counterfactual analysis. The lectures will also feature applied empirical examples to analyze real-world cases through statistical software.
In order to apply and for more information please read the Autumn School Call.
Autumn School 2021 - CALL
Autumn School 2021 - PROGRAM
Autumn School 2021 - FLYER