Uncertainty is a key component of climate change, characterizing both the science and the human response of a changing climate. Understanding the problem of climate change and formulating a set of policy responses will thus need to account for the key uncertainties at play, and to provide risk management strategies which are robust to such risks.

In the most recent years, new research has emerged with the potential to improve the way we model uncertainty in climate change policy. Advances in decision theory, dynamic and stochastic programming, and in data availability allows for a richer accounting of uncertainty than previously possible. Yet, important challenges remain in the applicability of these new methods to large scale integrated assessment models (IAMs) which are routinely used for assessing climate change policies.

The aim of this expert workshop is to provide an opportunity for reviewing the latest developments in uncertainty and risk analysis in climate change, and their potential applications to IAMs. The agenda is organized around three main sessions, covering the theoretical, numerical and applications aspects. The final part aims at compiling a set of insights and recommendations for modeling climate change policies under uncertainty.

The workshop is upon invitation only.