Climate Change and Economic Growth: Impacts and Interactions
12:30 - 13:30
Bocconi University
via Sarfatti 25
20136 Milan
h. 12.30 Seminar
h. 13.30 Light Lunch
Roberto Roson, University of Venice and IEFE
Seminars Office, [email protected]
An integrated assessment model (ENVISAGE), including a CGE-based economic module and a climate module, is used to assess the effects of a variety of economic impacts induced by climate change. These impacts include: sea level rise, variations in crop yields, water availability, human health, tourism, energy demand. Two scenarios are compared: a baseline growth path, disregarding any climate change effect, and a counterfactual case, accounting for the impacts. The model assesses the overall magnitude of the impacts, their regional distribution, and the contribution of each specific impact to the overall variation of income and welfare. Results (e.g., on real GDP) show that climate change impacts are substantial, especially for developing countries and in the long run.
This seminar is jointly organized by FEEM and IEFE, Bocconi University.
Climate Change and Economic Growth: Impacts and Interactions