Challenges in Modelling the Economics of Sea Level Rise
San Servolo, Venice
Stefano Battiston (University of Zurich, Universita’ Ca’ Foscari di Venezia); Francesco Bosello (Universita’ Ca’ Foscari di Venezia); Wolfgang Cramer (CNRS, IMBE); Roger Cremades (Wageningen University & Research); Tatiana Filatova (University of Twente); Kees van Ginkel (Deltares); Richard Klein (Stockholm Environment Institute); Piero Lionello (University of Salento); Antoine Mandel (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne); Irene Monasterolo (EDHEC Business School); Robert Nicholls (Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research); Nassos Vafeidis (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel); Vanessa Völz (Global Climate Forum)
The workshop was moderated by:
Carlo Giupponi (Universita’ Ca’ Foscari di Venezia, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei)
San Servolo island, located in the Venetian lagoon, welcomed on Tuesday, 15th May (09:00-18:00) and Wednesday, 16th May (09:00-15:00) 2023 the international workshop “Challenges in Modelling the Economics of Sea Level Rise” gathering participants from various disciplines.
This workshop was developed in collaboration with international specialists from different fields in order to structure an integrated reflection between economics, environment and social sciences. Different tools for modelling socio-economic systems were discussed and commented on, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of the various methods. The focal point of the discussion was the understanding of future challenges and possible solutions to address climate change adaptation in the coastal environment in an integrated and participatory manner.
Amongst the manifold aspects elicited, challenges and obstacles raised by the experts, some quotes are reported below:
“Politicians and decision-makers of coastal areas, but also private stakeholders, are facing important decisions about how to respond to climate-induced sea-level rise and in general, to adapt to current and future climate change impacts.”
“Substantial gaps remain in the detailed understanding of coupled SLR and coastal economic dynamics.”
“Economics, integrated together with other social and natural sciences and engineering, needs to allocate limited resources efficiently and equitably for climate adaptation investments.”
“Adaptation can be planned or autonomous, it is dynamic and happens over time, interacting with socioeconomic responses and developments and climatic changes.”