Sebastian Alessandro Raimondo is an environmental engineer by training and a complex systems scientist by vocation. He graduated with an MSc degree in Environmental and Land Planning Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano with a thesis on the robust planning of agricultural expansion in the transboundary water system of the Zambezi river. He earned a Ph.D. cum laude in Mathematics from the University of Trento in the field of complex systems and networks. During his Ph.D., he worked at the CoMuNe Lab (FBK, Trento) where he developed novel mathematical models for large-scale human mobility under socio-economic and environmental changes.
Sebastian is the co-founder of “Semplicemente Complesso”, an organization for the scientific dissemination of complexity science and systems thinking in schools, companies and cultural events through training courses and workshops.
Since 2023 Sebastian is working at FEEM, where he is currently in charge of developing mathematical modeling tools to support decision-making for climate change adaptation strategies in coastal zones. Sebastian loves exploring mountains out of the trails, sailing around the Venetian lagoon and jamming with piano. He celebrates life with good wines shared with friends, discussing sparkling ideas and visions.
01.09.2024 / 31.08.2028
Research Project | Ongoing Project
IntEgrated protection and Restoration apprOaches for natUral Lake EcoSystems (EUROLakes)