Senior Consultant
Maria Francesca Scannone

Maria Francesca Scannone holds a master degree in Industrial and Environmental Biotechnology  from La Sapienza University of Rome, where she graduated with top grade. The principal subjects covered in the dissertation are: the optimal growing conditions of microalgae to improve lipid production, the several methods for lipid extraction and the algae cultivation in wastewater for simultaneous bioremediation and algal biomass production.
After master degree she  carried out research activities at the Department of Chemical Engineering ,Materials, Environment – La Sapienza University . She attended training courses in  sustainable development, biodiversity in marginal lands, and master’s degree related to environmental quality and sustainability,  european planning.
Francesca joined FEEM in August  2012 as a researcher; she was involved in a project regarding the environmental impact of the antropic activities  and oil activities in val d’Agri ,and in an environmental pollution biomonitoring project.
