Research Associate
Vittore Negretto

Vittore Negretto is an architect and Ph.D. candidate in “Emergency” at the Iuav University of Venice, researching climate emergency and urban resilience. He holds a master degree in Architecture and Innovation from the Iuav University of Venice and a bachelor degree in Science of Architecture from the Polytechnic University of Milan. Since 2016 he is member of the interdisciplinary research group Planning Climate Change LAB and has developed and managed European projects, local plans design and educational projects. Since 2019 he is member of the international research group SDU.Resilience based in Copenhagen together with the University of Southern Denmark where he research the tools to operationalize urban resilience. His research focus is aimed at the urban environments and their relations with climate change.



01.01.2019 / 31.12.2025

Research Project | Ongoing Project

FEEM@Iuav | EPiC – Earth and Polis Research Center

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