Denis Maragno, urban planner, geographer, Assistant Professor in Urban Planning and GIScience, PhD in New technologies and Urban Planning, graduated in Territorial Planning and Environmental Policies at IUAV. Member of Young Planner ECTP-CEU and Resilience Lab, the Italian network for the promotion of actions and strategies of resilience. Currently he is assistant professor in New Technology for Climate Proof Planning at Iuav University, Department of Architecture and Arts. From 2013 he has began his research at Iuav University of Venice, the title of the current research is “GIScience and Geodesig for the urban and regional planning in a climate change scenario”. Personal skills are focused on the integration of ICT with the urban planning activities.
Participation in European projects: UHI Project, Developing mitigation and risk prevention and management strategies concerning the urban heat island (2013-2014); Adriplan, ADRiatic Ionian maritime spatial PLANing (2013-2105); SEAP Alps Sustainable Energy Action Plans (2014-2015), Urban Proof (2016 – ongoing), Master Adapt (2016 – ongoing), Coevolve (2015 – ongoing), Ideal Project, Interreg Italy Croatia (2016- ongoing), Secap Interreg Italia Croazia (2018- ongoing).
01.01.2019 / 31.12.2025
Research Project | Ongoing Project
FEEM@Iuav | EPiC – Earth and Polis Research Center