Filippo Del Grosso is an energy scholar and consulting professional, with 15 years of experience in energy markets. In his professional assignments, Filippo delivered advice as contract consultant to several clients in mature and emerging markets alike. His interests cover the fields of energy deployment and market design, with focus on state-of-the-art topics such as sector coupling and distributed generation.
In FEEM, Filippo is the project manager of the research stream on “Analysis of National Hydrogen Strategies”.
Additionally, he contributes as a pro bono advisor for the pan-European WG1 of ETIP-SNET on “Reliable, economic and efficient smart grid systems” where he focuses on the implementation of sector coupling at European level.
Filippo holds a PhD in Management and Economics from the Free University of Bolzano, a MBA from Instituto de Empresa in Madrid and a degree in Economic, Statistic and Social Sciences from Bocconi University.