Measuring 24/7 Carbon Free Energy in the context of sector coupling: a methodology
nLighten and Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei
Carbon-Free Energy, CFE, data center
This document presents an extension on the 24/7 Carbon-Free Energy concept. Meeting every kilowatt-hour of electricity consumption with carbon-free electricity sources, in the transition towards achieving zero emissions is increasingly attempted by entities operating in this field. nLighten, in delivering its services to the clients, plans to go further and to build on the Carbon-Free Energy approach according to a holistic, sector coupling-based perspective: this implies the recovery and use of waste heat, and its inclusion in the computation of key sustainability metrics. Standard CFE indicators indeed, despite their name, only consider the electricity supplied to the asset for which the indicator is calculated. nLighten extends the approach by including the carbon-free heat produced by the data center, representing the second essential component of the energy perimeter alongside the carbon-free electricity consumed. Furthermore, in a sector coupling view, a system perspective is adopted, where the customers of the datacenters are also recognized for their role as electricity and heat users.