Towards digitalization and decarbonization in transport (DDMOB)
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The transport sector is facing a potentially dramatic transition, driven by the ambitious climate targets of several countries, as well as by the growing availability of digital technologies supporting high-quality mobility solutions.
This research project aims to assess the potential impact of these two main drivers on the future of transport, with a particular focus on passenger transport.
A first analysis considers the European context, defining and comparing different scenarios of mobility demand and its impacts in terms of energy consumption and greenhouse gases emissions, as well as local pollution.
- Development of a model for the calculation of the energy and environmental impacts of the transport sector, by considering as input the evolution of passenger and freight mobility demand.
- Definition of some national and macro-regional case studies to evaluate the potential effect of decarbonization and digitalization trends.
- Comparison of different decarbonization strategies to evaluate potential synergies between technologies.
- Definition of specific policy recommendations to support sustainable mobility solutions at different territorial scales.
- Publication of articles in scientific journals and policy briefs.
- Publication of a book with a prestigious international publishing house.
Related contents:
- Workshop FEEM “Mobilità sostenibile in Italia: Sfide infrastrutturali e di governance nel panorama delle diverse realtà territoriali”, Milan, January 9th, 2020.