Souths of the World (SoW)
Decarbonization, zero carbon emission must be completed by 2050 to maintain the Earth livable for humans. Most humans, probably 2 out of 3, will be urbanites by that time. It largely depends on cities if the sustainable development goals could be reached or not. However, real mechanisms such as land rent, social forces, and power relations remain hidden by the current rhetoric of sustainable development. Among cities, the global North may play a role through new forms of urban de-agglomeration, new styles of consumption, green jobs, and smart mobility based on the digital economy. However, in Horizon 2050, the Souths of the World’s cities will be determinant. It is a matter of controlling emissions due to the urban explosion, regulating informal activities, avoiding polluting transport in megacities. But it is also a matter of fostering education and sociability, reducing social and ethnic injustice and helping families.
The project will analyse the current situation and develop short, mid, and long-term impact strategies for cities, strengthened by cross-cultural dialogue, mutual learning, exchange, and cooperation. It will raise awareness and provide clear guidelines to the stakeholders through the outputs, that will be produced by the project.
The results and outputs of the projects will include:
- An analysis of the global processes inherent in the South of the world (Africa, Asia, Latin America, Southern Europe) in collaboration with some Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei international partners;
- A debate, with 30 academics dealing with the South of the world, on the role of cities in the perspective of Horizon 2050 through the third edition of the school to be held in November 2021;
- The construction of some analysis tools whose purpose is to inform and promote the exchange of ideas on the role of cities in decarbonization processes.