Lectures Africa
FEEM participates in the in-depth analysis of issues related to Africa addressing, among others, the change of African cities, the themes of the future of energy sources and in this area of the relationship between the African continent and Europe, climate change and its impacts including migrations induced by environmental phenomena and cultural variables with increasing attention to economic anthropology issues. The aim of the lecture cycle is to invite important African personalities to FEEM premises, so that the Italian public can hear Africans speak of Africa and therefore enjoy an indigenous vision of the continent’s transformation processes. The lectures also strengthen the Foundation’s ties with the African research and culture centres of which it is a partner, creating new spaces for increasingly broader dialogues.
From 2017 until today FEEM has hosted some lectures annually that have involved about 15 personalities from various African countries. A varied path in terms of contents, which seeks to touch on the topics that are considered important for understanding contemporary Africa. During 2020, the chosen themes were: 1- ECO, the new West African currency that replaces the CFA franc. This is a historic turning point which involves the creation of a new free trade area, with a strong importance in defining the price of raw materials. Kako Nabukpo, one of the creators of ECO, talks about it. 2- Public housing in Africa. How the African city is changing, what are the implications of the great urbanization to which Africa is subject due to the population increase and the often uncontrolled urbanization processes? What is the role of public policy? Bill Freund, who after years of studies on social movements, focuses today on new strategic choices in the field of housing and public policies, will deal with these issues. 3- Achievement of the SDGs for Sub-Saharan Africa. What results and what challenges towards 2030? Where are we today? Rose Ngugi the Executive Director of the Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA) talks about it.