DYNAmic policy MIXes for absolute decoupling of environmental impact of EU resource use from economic growth – DYNAMIX
DYNAMIX proposes dynamic and robust policy mixes to shift the EU onto a pathway to absolute decoupling of long-term economic growth from resource use and environmental impacts. DYNAMIX will assess paradigm shifts in production and consumption through ex-post policy analyses and ex-ante assessments for effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and eco-innovation, using innovative environmental and economic modelling.
DYNAMIX – funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme- proposes dynamic and robust policy mixes to shift the EU onto a pathway to absolute decoupling of long-term economic growth from resource use and adverse environmental impacts.
Reaching absolute decoupling requires paradigm shifts in production and consumption. The project assesses how paradigms can inform concrete policy-making. Combined with an ex-post policy analysis, this allows identifying promising policy mixes for progressing towards decoupling. These policy mixes are then tested in qualitative and quantitative ex-ante assessments for effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and eco-innovation, using innovative environmental and economic modelling.
The project aims at strengthening the capacity to implement effective resource efficiency policy options of the EU and national policy-makers, who will be involved in a systematic participatory process accompanying the whole project. Policy-makers’ needs will thus drive the project’s evolution, thus ensuring tangible support to EU policy-making for resource efficiency.
The DYNAMIX kick-off Meeting is taking place on 24-25/09/2012, in Brussels, Belgium