DialoguE on European Decarbonisation Strategies – DEEDS
The European Decarbonisation Pathway Initiative (EDPI) supports EU research and innovation policy by providing science-based evidence and informing decision makers of the main challenges and available routes to decarbonise the European economy towards 2050.
A central role in this initiative is for the High Level Panel (HLP). The HLP steers the implementation of the EDPI, through the provision of independent strategic advice on objectives and milestones. It considers the latest trends, developments, opportunities for the transition to a low-carbon society in Europe. The High Level Panel consists of leaders from Research, Business, NGO’s and public bodies. As the HLP has no research capacity of itself, the EC has funded the DEEDS project with a consortium of leading European research organisations on decarbonization.
DEEDS will support DG R&I and the High-level Panel through delivering state-ofthe art knowledge on decarbonisation pathways and through facilitating knowledge co-creation with policy, business representatives, scientists, NGO’s and other stakeholders in the DEEDS dialogue.Â
DEEDS will do this by:
- creating a network of leading scientists and a knowledge base of relevant research projects related to European decarbonisation pathways;
- organizing dialogue to discuss and select undisputed scientific knowledge and knowledge gaps in relation to European decarbonisation pathways;
- providing foresight analysis on emerging issues and elaborate recommendations on current and emerging policy-relevant issues for both policy makers and business strategists;
- organizing dialogue for co-creation of knowledge and policies with relevant representatives from science, policy, industry and civil society.