An indicators based framework for sustainability evaluation of planning tools
The project aims at developing an indicators based framework for the assessment of the environmental sustainability of planning tools. Specific objectives of the project are to develop a common instrument on strategic environmental assessment; to set up a series of indicators for the urban environment based on common methodologies to the regions participating in the project (Liguria and Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur); and to formulate and implement a procedure for the assessment of the sustainability of urban planning tools.
The project aims at developing an indicators based framework for the assessment of the environmental sustainability of planning tools.
The specific objectives of the project are:
- the development of a common instrument on strategic environmental assessment;
- the set up of a series of indicators for the urban environment based on common methodologies to the regions participating in the project (Liguria and Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur);
- the diffusion of results, through a leaflet, an internet site and a CD-ROM and;
- the formulation and implementation of a procedure for the assessment of the sustainability of urban planning tools.
The general objective of the project is to make a step toward the Environmental Assessment of plan and programmes. In particular, the recent Law of Regione Liguria (L.R. 38 of 31/12/98) introduced the verification and assessment of the sustainibility of ‘Progetti Urbanistici Operativi’ (Operational Urban Projects). In the light of this law, the specific objectives of the project are:
- the development of a common instrument on strategic environmental assessment;
- the set up of a set of indicators for the urban environment based on common methodologies to the regions participating in the project (Liguria and Region PACA);
- the diffusion of results through the publication of a leaflet, an internet site and a CD-ROM;
- the formulation and implementation of a procedure for the assessment of sustainability of urban planning tools.
In order to come up with a set of indicators for the urban environment to be used in the assessment of the sustainability of Progetti Urbanistici Operativi, the following steps are as indicated below:
- literature review of indicators for the urban environment;
- selection of a large set of indicators;
- verification of the set of indicators;
- application of the set of indicators to a case study;
- definition of guidelines.
The role of FEEM
FEEM acts as executor and coordinator of the study. The work is performed together with the company A_group s.r.l. based in Genova.