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Energy access – the so-called ‘Missed Millennium Development Goal’, is considered a fundamental driver of economic and social development and is a key priority on the global development agenda. It is still however unclear which public and private initiatives and policy design can be used to best attain the goals of energy poverty eradication.

Energy access – the so-called ‘Missed Millennium Development Goal’, is considered a fundamental driver of economic and social development and is a key priority on the global development agenda. It is still however unclear which public and private initiatives and policy design can be used to best attain the goals of energy poverty eradication. For this reason and with the aim to generate new insights and concrete policy recommendations, FEEM and Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli (FGF) within the LabExpo Project, in collaboration with eni, organised on July, 10, 2014 a workshop on “Energy Poverty and Energy Access: Global Challenges and Goals”, gathering together representatives from the academia, international organizations, corporate institutions and industry.

Here below we report some interviews held on that occasion with:

Stefano Bologna, United Nations Industrial Development Organization

  • Is the Sustainable Energy For All target reachable? Which can be the role of renewables in the energy mix?
  • Can the energy efficiency play a role?
  • Which are the most effective partnerships to reach this goal?


    Pippo Ranci, President WAME & Expo 2015

  • What strategies are needed to effectively target universal access?
  • What are the most effective strategies/ important factors to promote rural electrification/the continuous use of improved cookstoves?



    Andrea Poggio, Legambiente

    Com’è possibile riconciliare l’accesso universale ai moderni sistemi energetici, la sostenibilità ambientale e lo sviluppo economico?




    Alberto Piatti, President Fondazione AVSI

  • Quali strategie sono necessarie per implementare in maniera efficace l’obiettivo dell’accesso universale?
  • Quali sono le strategie più efficaci/ i fattori principali per promuovere l’elettrificazione rurale/ l’uso continuato di stufe migliorate?


    Shonali Pachauri, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis

  • Is the Sustainable Energy For All target reachable?
  • Which can be the role of renewables in the energy mix?
  • Can the energy efficiency play a role?
  • What are the main issues to be taken into account between regions and between urban and rural areas?


    Lucius Mayer-Tasch, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit

    How can universal access to modern energy services, environmental sustainability and economic development be reconciled?



    Ujjayant Chakravorty, Tufts University

  • How can energy access become a tool for human development, gender empowerment and/or development of industrial activities?
  • Which social and cultural elements are to be taken into consideration?


    Carlo Carraro, Università Ca’ Foscari and FEEM

  • Is the Sustainable Energy For All target reachable? Which can be the role of renewables in the energy mix?
  • Can the energy efficiency play a role?