2 minutes read

This training has been organized to explore the capabilities of AnyLogic as a potential unified modelling platform for FEEM’s needs. Specifically, we aim to determine whether and how AnyLogic can integrate with the tools we currently use, such as Vensim, NetLogo, R, and QGIS, in order to streamline workflows and consolidate our modelling efforts.

At present, FEEM relies on a combination of tools to perform diverse tasks, including data science, agent-based modelling (ABM), system dynamics (SD), and spatial analysis. Against this backdrop, we are interested in evaluating whether AnyLogic can support a multiscale modelling approach, enabling us to integrate micro-scale models—which include social, ecological, and climatic processes with spatial components—with macro-scale models that guide and inform the micro-level dynamics.

The training will provide hands-on exercises and exploratory examples that showcase how AnyLogic can facilitate this integration and communication between scales. To illustrate our needs, we plan to share basic toy models currently developed in NetLogo and Vensim, allowing us to test the feasibility of replicating and enhancing them using AnyLogic’s tools and features.

By the end of the session, we aim to assess whether AnyLogic can replace or complement our existing tools as a single, efficient, and integrated platform capable of addressing FEEM’s hybrid and multiscale modelling challenges.

Agenda: Introduction to AnyLogic for FEEM

  1. Introduction to AnyLogic
  • Overview of AnyLogic.
  • Key capabilities and applications.
  1. Integration with Existing Tools
  • Interoperability: How AnyLogic can integrate with or replace existing tools such as Vensim, NetLogo, R, and QGIS.
  1. Multiscale and Integrated ModellingMicro and macro modelling approaches.
  • Spatial modelling: Incorporating GIS data into agent-based models.
  1. Building Exploratory Models
  • Hands-on exploration of AnyLogic:
    • Creating agent-based models.
    • Linking system dynamics and agent-based models.
  1. Evaluating AnyLogic for FEEM’s Needs
  • Assessing the potential of AnyLogic as a unified modelling platform.
  • Enhancing workflow efficiency.
  1. Recommendations and Next Steps
  • Summary of AnyLogic capabilities and its suitability for FEEM’s projects.
  • Proposed next steps for implementation and adoption.

Key Outcomes for Participants

By the end of this session, participants will:

  1. Understand AnyLogic as a tool capable of hybrid, multiscale modelling.
  2. Evaluate Integration Potential with existing tools like Vensim, NetLogo, R, and QGIS.
  3. Develop Prototype Models through practical exercises, linking micro and macro scales.
  4. Assess Feasibility for transitioning to AnyLogic as a unified modelling platform.



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