bp Energy Outlook 2024
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FEEM online event
Wednesday, 24th July 2024
h. 12:00 noon CEST
Keynote speaker
Jorge Blazquez
Senior Advisor for the Energy Transition, bp
Elisa Scarpa
Deputy Director Market Strategy & Structuring, Edison S.p.A.
The Energy Outlook is a document designed to understand the uncertainties surrounding the energy transition. It explores key questions such as: How rapidly can wind and solar technologies expand in different scenarios? What impact will electric vehicles have on oil demand? Does carbon capture and storage have a role to play? These key questions can be viewed from various angles. The Energy Outlook presents two alternative scenarios, Current Trajectory and Net Zero, to explore how policies, technologies, and societal behaviors could influence the future of energy. The Outlook serves as a valuable guide for understanding the potential paths of the energy sector, offering insights that could help identify risks and opportunities for those interested in the energy sector.
Jorge Blazquez is a senior economist specialized in energy transitions. Currently, he works as senior advisor for the energy transition and system analysis at bp. Previously, his professional career developed in both the private and public sectors. He worked as senior researcher at King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Centre in Saudi Arabia. He also worked as economic advisor to the Cabinet of the Minister of Energy and at the Prime Minister’s Economic Bureau in Spain and at the Spanish Strategic Petroleum Reserve. He worked as a senior economist in a construction company and in an international bank. He holds a doctoral degree in Economics from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and has published in top journals in the field of energy and economics.
Elisa Scarpa is Deputy Director Market Strategy & Structuring at Edison, EDF Group. Her activities concern the development of market strategies on power, oil, gas and LNG markets, the implementation of pricing models for structured energy products and the evaluation of the optionality in Edison portfolio. She has been working for Edison for the last 17 years. Previously Elisa has been involved for four years in several projects at Fondazione ENI Enrico Mattei in the International Energy Market Unit. She holds a degree in Economics (DES) from Bocconi University and a master’s degree in Energy Finance and Trading from Politecnico of Milan. She is the author of papers on commodity finance and price forecasting. She conjugates the activity at Edison with lectures on Energy economics and Energy fundamentals and she is part of the steering committee of the European Energy Analyst meeting. She is the Leader of the Topic Energy & Utilities for Bocconi Alumni Community.