6th IAERE Annual Conference
08:30 - 17:30
Turin, Italy
Department of Economics and Statistics "Cognetti de Martiis"
University of Turin
Turin, Italy
Visit this link.
The Sixth IAERE Annual Conference on 15-16 February 2018 in Turin, organized in cooperation with University of Turin, will be an important occasion for several FEEM researchers to contribute to the debate about environmental and resources economics.
Giovanni Guastella, FEEM researcher, will present the paper “Urban Morphology and PM10 concentration in European Cities: an empirical assessment” that estimates the influence of urban sprawl on PM10 concentration in the European cities allowing multiple dimensions of urban sprawl to interact in determining the impact on the quality of air. Paper is co-authored with Federica Cappelli (Università degli studi Roma Tre) and Stefano Pareglio, Coordinator of the FEEM Research Program “Society and Sustainability”.
Francesca Diluiso will make an overview of the results of the paper “International Transmission of the Business Cycle and Environmental Policy” (co-authored with Barbara Annicchiarico, Università di Roma Tor Vergata). This paper presents a baseline dynamic general-equilibrium model to study the international dimension of climate actions in a two-country fully interdependent economy with uncertainty. The model allows to analyze the role played by various environmental regimes in shaping the propagation of shocks between countries. Additionally Francesca will present at the poster session with a study on “Economic valuation of ecosystem services provided by green urban spaces: a review and meta-analysis” (co-authored with Giovanni Guastella, Stefano Pareglio, Riccardo Scarpa, FEEM research associate) which contributes to the strand of literature that aims at mapping and assessing urban ecosystem services. In this paper, they propose a systematic review of the existing literature on the valuation of urban green spaces in Europe and use the values from the reviewed papers to build a meta-regression model to explore the extent to which the variation of WTP estimates depends on the ecological and geo-physical characteristics of the urban ecosystems.
Samuel Carrara, Marie Curie Fellow (Modeling the European power sector evolution: low-carbon generation technologies (renewables, CCS, nuclear), the electric infrastructure and their role in the EU leadership in climate policy-MERCURY project) and FEEM researcher will present the paper “Exploring pathways of solar PV learning in Integrated Assessment Models”. The objective of the exercise is to analyze how different cost pathways associated to different learning rates influence the penetration of solar PV in the electricity mix, and ultimately the overall electricity mix itself, in future low-carbon scenarios.
Finally, David García León, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow (Droughts and Water Scarcity in the EU: Economic Impact, Adaptation, Policy Implications and Integrated Assessment Modelling-WATERDROP project) and FEEM researcher will present the paper “Drought and extreme heat effects on wheat yields: statistical crop modelling at the farm scale in Puglia and the Po river basin“.