Federico Cornacchia

Federico Cornacchia earned a Bachelor’s degree in Natural Sciences from the University of Milan in 2019. In 2022, he completed a Master of Science (MSc) in Environmental Sciences within the environmental systems analysis group at Wageningen University & Research in the Netherlands, specializing in human-environmental systems.

He has gained professional experience as a researcher at Bocconi University in Milan, where he focused on sustainability and Nature-based Solutions, and as a consultant for the OSPAR Convention and the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature, and Food Quality, analysing the impacts of climate change and other anthropogenic pressures on ecosystem services.

Currently, he is pursuing a PhD in Science and Management of Climate Change at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, with a focus on the analysis and modelling of complex socio-ecosystems, particularly concerning ecosystem services.

As a researcher at the Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM), he works with the Venice-based Climate Change Adaptation team, contributing to the European project EUROLakes, which is centered on nature-based solutions and the restoration of European lakes. In this context, he focuses on participatory multi-criteria analysis, decision support systems, and economic valuation of ecosystem services. Additionally, as part of the Climate Change Adaptation program and aligned with his PhD research, he works on the integrated modelling of complex socio-ecosystems, applying advanced methodologies such as System Dynamics, with a particular emphasis on adaptive natural resource management, ecological and environmental economics, and sustainability.



01.09.2024 / 31.08.2028

Research Project | Ongoing Project

EUROLakes – IntEgrated protection and Restoration apprOaches for natUral Lake EcoSystems

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Climate Change Adaptation

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